If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world.
- Sri Chinmoy

Meditation is the state of existing fully in the here and now. Naturally arriving at this stage through the practice of "one-pointedness", clears the cluttered mind of conflicting or random thoughts. This calm state promotes relaxation, builds internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and helps develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. Its ultimate objective is to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity. Meditation takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists. The way we breathe in and out; right now, right here!


The Yoga Sutras - Pathanjali's sacred text on yogic philosophy, show us how to discover our true selves and appreciate every moment of life, particularly when it gets overwhelming. They teach us to train our mind, body and soul to achieve perfect health and mental peace. Yoga isn't just about jumping out of bed to do some sun salutation. Yoga is much more than postures. It is connecting with your inner self, learning to breathe again and looking within. Yoga means union!.

Yoga teachings the techniques to control the mind and emotions, to enhance physical wellbeing and advice on spiritual growth. Integrating various schools of Yoga and their teachings, the team at Carnoustie prepares a unique programme for each client basis his/her needs. The holistic approach amalgamating yogic practices of Asanas, relaxation, meditation, pranayama and healthy diet harmoniously interconnects and heals your mind, body and soul.


Detox is a dire necessity in today's stressful environment. As the evidence of pollution and toxins in our external environment and diet mount, it becomes even more important for us to detox and strengthen our body's natural defenses to exposures beyond our control. The right yoga routine can help us detox our body and mind as a routine and help us lead a healthier and a more fulfilling life. The poses listed in this section help remove toxins, stimulate digestion and the thyroid gland, enhance the immune system, build muscle, increase metabolism and the energy levels, restore balance to our body's systems and improve mental and emotional clarity. Most of these moves literally wring the body like a sponge, helping it in getting rid of toxins and matter which is no longer useful.



The obesity issue is not about vanity alone; it is the issue of our health and our physical and emotional well-being. Billions of dollars are forked out across the world by people looking for a magical quick fix for their weight issues, yet the majority continue to struggle. Novelty fad diets and surgical procedures lead to fast - sometimes dramatic - weight loss, but only for the pounds to creep back on again because they don't address the underlying reasons why a person is overweight in the first place. "yoga is the union of body, mind and soul". Thus, it approaches the weight loss issue in a more holistic manner. If the mind is disturbed, it effects the body and vice versa. Regular practice of Yoga tends to have a positive impact on the brain function. It reduces the stress hormone- 'cortisol' levels and optimizes body functions and metabolism. Moreover, regular Yoga practice requires discipline, physical and mental strength and flexibility, all of which in turn make us more mindful of our mind and body balance, triggering a positive tone that helps us lose weight faster. Yoga transforms you from the inside out, pushing you to make positive lifestyle alterations and healthier food choices ensuing in weight loss.


Stress is an inexorable fallout of today's fast paced life style and has become an integral part of our lives. We cannot wish it away. Acknowledging its presence and then finding w, and means to control and ultimately eradicate it, would be a more practical approach. Chronic stress can take a heavy toll on our health and well-being and hence cannot be ignored. Yoga with its 5,000-year-old legacy seeks to balance and integrate all the visible and invisible layers of our life so that our body, mind, soul, intellect and spirit flow in harmony. Yoga means union; the union of body, mind and soul. When this union is achieved, our outer and inner world .e in harmony and there is greater emotional stability and clarity of mind. It renews our mind and spirit and ourevery action is more thoughtful, calm and relaxed. The deep breathing techniques used in various yoga 'maims help in invoking the restorative functions of the body and reduce muscular and mental tension. It is now medically proven that Yoga practice reduces the levels of `cortisor - the stress hormone and help in combating stress and anxiety.


A healthy spine is of paramount importance to live a healthy life. It governs all body movement, supports the head and protects the central nervous system housed within the spine which in turn controls the function of every single cell, tissue and organ in the body. In fact, the spine is like the trunk of a tree supporting the entire body structure. It is vital to preserve and maintain this trunk. Yoga has been proven to be very effective in the prevention and management of spinal and musculoskeletal disorders. Yoga helps tone, strengthen and build deep core muscles in the back and the abdomen which are vital components of the muscular network of the spine. They are essential for maintaining an upright posture and enabling trouble-free and easy movement. Another key component of spinal health is flexibility where Yoga works wonders. Yoga's gentle deliberate movements and postures promote blood circulation and flow to facilitate the healing and strengthening of the spine and stalling its age related degeneration. Yoga also helps by improving posture, postural awareness and improving alignment and may even reduce/slow degenerative disc disease in the spine, a condition thought to be the precursor of numerous back pain conditions.


The Six Cleansing Kriyas are a powerful way to detoxify and purify your body from the inside out. At Carnoustie techniques like; jala neti, kapalbhati and tratak are practised under supervision for total wellness. Kriya balances and moves prana through all the chakras, which cleanses, purifies and rejuvenates all the vital organs


Positive influence on all sense organs.
Strengthens vision and relieves tired eyes.
Relieves headaches.
Improves memory and concentration.
Cures nasal congestion and sinus cavities
Cures fever and pollen allergies.


Thorough cleansing of the nose.
Massages the catheter
Cures respiratory problems or narrow nostrils


Purifies the eyes.
Strengthens eye muscles.
Improves vision and memory.
Cures sleeping disorders.
Develops intuition.


Generates heat in the body.
Helps dissolve toxins and waste.
Adds lustre and beauty to your face.
Improves digestion.
Improves the function of kidneys and liver.
Cures intestinal problems.
Reduces eye stress.
Cures dark circles around the eyes.
Improves blood circulation.


Extracts all the impurity and bacteria filled mucus from the nasal and sinus cavities.
Restores body's mechanisms.
Increases immunity
Cures nasal allergies like hay fever, sinusitis and other respiratory conditions like sore throats, chronic coughs and colds, post nasal drips, adenoids and tonsillitis.


Cleanses and stimulates the stomach, oesophagus, lungs, chest, heart, throat, nose, eyes, ears, and sinus.
Balances the vayu (wind) the upward moving prana-vayu in the body.
Removes stomach, throat, asthma, and lung affliction.

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