
Pain & Injury Management

Carnoustie Yoga Retreat
Injury Management in Ayurveda

The main aim of the ayurveda treatments is to ensure that you become physically fit and are able to get back to physical activity / sports field

  • Pain alleviation
  • Correcting disability
  • Strengthening joints and other structures
  • Improving function & performance

Carnoustie Yoga Retreat
Injury Related Conditions In Ayurvedic Science
  • Bhagna: Bone injuries
  • Kandaragatvata: Tendon and Ligament Injury
  • Mamsagatvata: Sprain & Fatigue syndrome
  • Sandhimukta: Joint injuries (dislocation, & subluxation)
  • Snayugatvata: Ligament, Nerve & Bursa injuries
Areas Of Injury As Per Ayurvedic System

Concepts of injuries and their management can be correlated in the Ayurvedic Samhitas like:

  • Bhagna (fractures & dislocations)
  • Sadyovrana (acute wounds) etc.
  • Snayugata Vaata (Tendon & Ligament injury)
  • Vrana (wounds)
  • Vranashotha (inflammatory conditions)
  • Shoolahara (Analgesic)

Internal Medication

The main aim is

  • To boost up tissue healing
  • To alleviate pain and inflamation
  • To strengthen the injured parts

External Therapies

The main aim is

  • To alleviate pain and inflamation
  • To Strengthen joints
  • To improve function

Panchakarma is a unique health enhancing series of therapeutic measures that cleanses even the deep tissues of the body, purifies the internal channels and thereby increases vitality and provides well-being. Panchakarma has gained global attention due to its specific qualities of removing morbid doshas from the body and restoring the health. It deals with all the four principles of chikitsa told by Acharya Susruta viz sodhana, samana, brimhana and karshana. It can be done in healthy persons as a preventive aspect and in diseased condition for a curative effect. These multifocal aspects of Panchakarma make it the most popular in the context of Ayurveda.

Snehana and swedana are the important pre-requisite (purvakarama) of Panchakarma. Snehana act as lubrication for whole body, ultimately to all joints. It makes body flexible. With swedana, all toxic materials in the body are removed. In the field of Injury Management, mainly the bahiparimarjana chikitsa shows immense effect in post injury rehabilitation, in prevention of injuries and in enhancement of performance levels of sports persons.

Our Ayurvedic doctors conduct a detailed medical examination after studying the guest's health history as well as present health concerns. This examination includes assessment and identification of the mind/ body constitution basis the Ayurvedic Principles. Thereafter, an adroit panel comprising of the examining doctor, Yoga experts and Ayurveda diet specialists recommend a corrective regimen of Yoga, Ayurvedic medicines and diet based on the guest's Prakriti (Ayurvedic body constitution/genetic makeup) and Vikriti (imbalances in the mind/ body constitution) for diabetic

The consultation with the doctor will include a detailed analysis on the site, depth and cause of the injury. It needs a thorough check up on the tear of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Inflammatory changes in the nearby site should also be considered. Ayurvedic diagnostic tools such as Darsana, Sparsana and Prasna (Inspection,Palpation and Interrogation)are used. Assessment of body constitution/prakruthi and Dosha dooshya imbalances are done and treated accordingly.The dosha diet is also prescribed according to the condition.

To make a proper diagnosis, relavant imaging techniques should be done. Then it becomes clear regarding the stage and management of the case. In almost all cases of tendon/ligament tear and associated soft tissue injuries of first degree, second degree, third degree and partial tears, ayurvedic treatment gives better results than other systems without surgery.

an ACL Injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament


Complete tear: Surgery is the best option

Partial tear: Treatment as follows


  • Cap. Rasagandhi Mezhuku
  • Cap. Gandha Thailam
  • Laksha Milk Kashayam


  • Dhara with Dhanyamlam & Navasaram
  • Pichu with Murivenna
  • Dhara with Pindathailam & Murivenna

Sciatica refers to back pain caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. When something injures or puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that spreads to the hip, buttocks, and leg.



  • Adari Sahacharadi Kashayam
  • Sahacharadi Thaila Avarthi (Internal)
  • Lehya-Abhaya fried with ghee and grind it
  • Kulathadi Ghritam


  • Vamanam and Virechanam
  • Choorna Pinda Swedam with Dhanyamlam
  • Pathrapotalaswedam
  • Kala Vasthy
    • Matra vasty with Saindhavadi thailam/Sahacharadi Thailam etc.
    • Erandamoolathi vasty
    • Rajayapana vasty
  • Soochivedam
  • Sringam (Cupping)

Spondylolysis is a back stress fracture. It is a common cause of structural back pain in children, adolescents and active young adults. Spondylolysis is a non-displaced stress fracture of a spinal vertebra, also known as a pars stress fracture. Stress Fracture



  • Marma Kashayam
  • Murivenna Sevyam
  • Cap Gandha Tailam
  • Tab.Abha Guggulu
  • Milk Kashayam Laksha
  • Snehapanam with Indukandam ghritam and Gandhathailam


  • Lepam with Paste of astishruankhala, gulgulu, manjishta, yeshtimadhu, rakthachandana and juice of Uravu skin.
  • Immobilisation & bandage with Murivenna and Uravenna (reMarma sastrapeedika)
  • Pradeshika Vasthy with Dhanwantharam tailam (Avarthi)
  • Dhara with Lakshadi Tailam

A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn the ankle in an awkward way. This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold ankle bones together.



  • Punarnavathi Kashayam with Gokshuradi Gulgulu
  • Nadee Kashayam
  • Tab Vatariguggulu
  • Cap Gandha Tailam


  • Lepam with paste of Chathuramulla and Tila Tailam or Egg white and Cheenakkaram
  • Bandage with Murivenna
  • Jambeera Pinda Swedam
  • Soochivedam
  • Sringam (Cupping)

Cervicogenic headache is rooted in the cervical spine (neck) or base of the skull region.



  • Pathyakshadathryadi kashayam
  • Kalyanakam kashayam
  • Tab.Sirasoolari vajra rasam
  • Cap.Ksheerabala Thailam (101avar thy)
  • Aswagandha yashti choornam


  • Thalam with Dhanwantharam thailam (3/7 avarthy)
  • Nasyam with Dhanwantharam thailam (7/14 avarthy)
  • Sirodhara with Bala root milk kashayam
  • Sirovasthy with Kayathrumeni Thailam
  • Siravedam at Temporal area
  • Soochivedanm

Conditions commonly linked to back pain include:

Muscle or ligament strain, repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles & spinal ligaments.



  • Dhanwantharam Kashayam
  • Maharasnadi kashayam
  • Gandharva hastadi Eranda Thailam
  • Yogaraja guggulu
  • Rasnadasamoola grutha


  • Lepam with paste of Karuthavattu gulika and Eggwhite
  • Kateepichu with Murivenna and Mahanarayana Thailam
  • Local dhara with Dhanyamlam

A bulging disc injury is a common spine injury sustained to your spine's intervertebral disc. A herniated disc is a spine condition that occurs when the gel-like center of a disc ruptures through a weak area in the tough outer wall (annulus fibrosis).

  • Sopha Haram
  • Vrana Haram
  • Vathavyathi Treatment



  • Vircchana with Nimbamruthadi Eranda
  • Thailam and Nirgundi leaf juice
  • Punarnavadi Kashayam
  • Rasnasapthakam Kashayam
  • Tab.Maha Yogarajaguggulu
  • Cap.Dhanwantharam Thailam(101 avarthi)
  • Marmarajanka Thailam


  • Lepam with Nagaradi Lepam and Dhanyamlam
  • Bandage with Kundirikkam and Lemon Juice
  • Bandage with Murivenna
  • Kateepichu with Murivenna

Cervicstural Syndrome is characterised by poor posture of the shoulders, middle back and neck which causes back pain and tight muscles.



  • Nayopayam kashayam
  • Kalyanakam kashayam
  • Dhanwantharam gulika
  • Maharajaprasarani Thailam
  • Gorochanadi Gulika
  • Snehapanam with Kethakimooladi Thailam


  • Thalam with Maha Bala Thaila And Kachooradi Choornam
  • Nasyam with Ksheerabala Thailam(101 avarthy)
  • Maharajaprasarini Thailam
  • Sirodhara with Balaswagandhadi Thailam
  • Karnapuranam with Kshara Thailam/Ksheerabala Thailam

Facet joint syndrome is an arthritis-like condition of the spine that can be a significant source of back and neck pain. It is caused by degenerative changes to the joints between the spine bones. The cartilage inside the facet joint can break down and become inflamed, triggering pain signals in nearby nerve endings.



  • Shatdharana Kashayam
  • Rasnairandadi Kashayam
  • Mala Yogaraja Gulgulutantam and
  • imhakama tarations
  • Kochi Kuchumpa


  • Leponam with Jatimavadi Choornam
  • Local chara with Dhanyamlarn
  • Pichu with Dhanwantharam

Golfers elbow (mcdical epicon dylitis) causes pain and inflammation in the tendens that connect the forearm to the elbow



  • Thrayandyadi Kashayam
  • Varanadi Kashayam
  • Vijaya Bhairava Thailam
  • Tab. Kanchanara gulgulu


  • Nagaradi lepam
  • Karutha varu application
  • Sastika pinda Svedam

Most commonly, the achilles ruptures when there is a sudden foreceful movement of the foot downward against resistance such as when an individual pushes off the foot with great force to jump.


Complete tear : Surgery is the best option Partial rear: Treatment as follows Vara pacifying


  • Sahacharadi Kashayan
  • Arrethotharam Kashayam
  • Mabiyograją Guggulu Gugguluthikchakam Grutham
  • Soup prepared with goat's bone


  • Lepam with Nagaradi choorram & Pharryamlam
  • Application of Madhuyashryadi Tallam
  • Bandage with Murisenna

Carpal tunnels syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition due to compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist at the carpel tunnel.



  • Panchasama Choornam
  • Cap, Maharajaprasarani Thallam
  • Rasnadasmoola Kashayam
  • Snehapona with Varanadi Ghritam


  • Churna Pinda Swedanam with Kolakulatha,
  • Shathakuppa, Haridra, Saindava and Dhanyamlam
  • Bruhath Kottamchukkadi Tallam-External Application
  • Dhara with Asavenna
  • Soachivedam
  • Ahnikarmam
  • Sringam (Cupping)

Degenerative disc disease is an age-related condition that happnes when on or more of the discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column deteriorates or breaks down, leading to pain



  • Shatdharanam Kashayam
  • Dhanwantharam Kashayam
  • Tab. Laksha Gulgulu
  • Snehapnam with Gulguluthikthkam ghritham


  • Cjooram Pinda Swetam with Dhanyamalam
  • Kayasekam with pindathailam
  • Sastikapindaswtam
  • Erandamooltathivasthy
  • Rajayapama Vasthy
  • Manthra Vasthy with Thikthakam Gritham etc
  • Bandage with Murivenna and Lakshadi Thailam

A hamstring injury is a strain or tear to the tendons or large muscles at the back of the thigh. (biceps, femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles)



  • Sachacharadi Kashayam
  • Sahacharadi Tailam (Avarth)
  • Milk Kashayam with Bala Root


  • Lepam with Nagarati choornam, Sanninayakam
  • &Dhanyamlam
  • Taila Dhara with Dhanwantharam Tailam & Murivenna
  • Shashtika Pinda Swedam (with Aswagandha choornam and Mamsa)
  • Agnikarmam
  • Sringam (Cupping)

Arthritis means "joint inflammation". It causes pain and swelling in the body's joints, such as the knees or hips.



  • Shatpalabhalayudha Kashayam
  • Snehapanam with Indukantham Ghirtham and
  • Karaskara Ghritam
  • Gandha Tailam
  • Gulguluthikthakam Gritham


  • Dhanyamladhara
  • Thaila dhara with Pindathailam
  • Shasthika Pinda Swetham
  • Karmavasthy
    • Kshara vasthi (Erandamoolathi Vasthy)
    • Matravasthy with Madhuyesthyathi Thailam etc.
    • Ksheena vasti with Dashamoola Pachathikthaka Milk kashayam etc.

Anterior Ankle Impingement is a condition where an individual experiences pain at the front of the ankle, due to compression of the bony or soft tissue structures during activities that involve maximal ankle dorsiflexion motion



  • Maharasnadi Kashayam
  • Punarnavadi Kashayam
  • Tab. Thriphala gulgulu
  • Snehapanam with Gulguluthikthakam Gritham


  • Lapam with Cheenakkaram and Egg white
  • Upanaha Swedam
  • Dhara with Kanjira bark Kashayam
  • Cupping (Sringam)

A abdominal strain is fairly common in athletes and active populations because this group of muscle is constantly engaged to keep the athlete's core tight so that the athlete can perform and execute skills using his/her extremities and/ or total body. Strong and healthy abdominal muscles only enhance an athlete's performance. However, injure these muscles, and the athlete will have significant difficulty trying to perform.



  • Dhanadanayanadi Kashayam
  • Dasamoola Rasnadi Kashayam
  • Vatari Guggulu gulika
  • Dhanwantharam gulika
  • Snehapanam with Dhanwantharam Tailam


  • Dhara with boiled Dhanyamlam and Amruth
  • Kizhi with Goodhooma, Masha, Tila, Shatakuppa
  • Muthira with Bala Milk Kashayam
  • Taila Dhara with Mahabala Tailam

The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TRCC) is a cartilage structure located on the small finger side of the wrist that, cushions and supports the small carpal bones in the wrist. The TFCC keeps the forearm bones (radius and ulna) stable when the hand grasps or the forearm rotates. An injury or tear to the TFCC can cause chronic wrist pain.



  • Nadimarma Kashayam
  • Tab. Abhaguggulu
  • Snehapanam with Dehaposhana yamakam


  • Sheethadhara with Milk Kashayam of Sheethaguna
  • Dravyas (Bala, Thila etc.)
  • Immobilisation and bandage with special Murivenna
  • Dhara with kayathirumeni thailam / Asavenna
  • Sringam (Cupping)

Whiplash injury is a type of neck injury caused by sudden movement of the head forwards, backwards or sideways. It occurs when the soft tissues in the neck become streched and damaged (sprained)



  • Nadi Kashayam
  • Dhanwantharam gulika
  • Snehapanam with gantha thailam


  • Immobilisation (Philadelphia neck collar) and
  • bandage with mrivenna Cervical Traction
  • Lepam with Nagaradi Choornam with juice of tender coconut husk / Kuttipanel leaf with coconut milk
  • Thalam with Dhanwantharam Thailam (avarthy)
  • and rasnadi choornam
  • Thaila dhara with murivenna and Mahanarayana thailam
  • Greeva Vasthy with Gandha Thailam

Most of the yoga postures have static stretching effect on the connected muscles and tendons. This improves circulation of blood and prana internally through that area of the body. So when there is pain in any part of the body, the yoga movements involving the stretching of the concerned muscles help to alleviate that pain or to cure it completely. But all the movements should be executed gently, slowly and effortlessly. If the pain is in the whole body or if it is due to the after-effect of some other diseases, one has to practise yoga nidra.Pranic healing and self healing is also very effective in pain management.

Common Acute Injuries

Management of these Injuries by Marma Treatments
  • Neck Pain
  • Neck Pain Radiating to the Upper Limb
  • Restricted Movement of the Neck
  • Neck Pain Radiating to the Shoulder
  • Acute Cervical Disc Herniation
  • Frozen Shoulder after injury
  • Tennis Elbow / Golfer's Elbow
  • General Pain in the Upper Limb
  • Numbness of the Upper Limb
  • Pain in the fore arm
  • Wrist joint injury
  • Hand Pain
  • Pain in the fingers
  • Paralysis of the arm caused by injury to nerves
  • Back Pain
  • Low Back Ache Radiating to the Lower Limb
  • Lumbar Spondylosis
  • Numbness and / or burning sensation of the lower limb

  • Poly Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Acute Lumbar Disc Prolapse
  • Sciatica
  • Heamstring's Injury
  • Injury/ Osteoarthritis / Arthritis of knee Joint
  • Knee Pain
  • Ankle Injury
  • Heel Pain
  • General body Pain
  • Fractures
  • Body related stress

In case of injuries energy can be given to Spinal Cord, Hip Region, Lower Limbs and Foot by Stimulation of the Following Marmas.

Energy to Spinal Cord

  • Mattel Marma
  • Muduchu - 4
  • Kuchikaal Marma
  • Maanikka Nabhi

Energy to the hip region

  • Viruthi Kaalam
  • Uppukutri Marma
  • Kamberi Kaalam

Energy to Legs

  • Ullangkaal Vellai Marma
  • Viruthi Marma
  • Uppukutri Marma
  • Kuthikaal Marma
  • Komberi Kaalam o Ulthodai Marma o Jadapiral Marma
  • Nanganapootu

Energy to Foot

  • Kaal Kulacchi Marma
  • Padangkaal Marma

Energy to Shoulder and Upper Limb

  • Vil Marma (for hand)
  • Pattra/Mootra Adangal
  • Kaichulukki Marma
  • Sanguni Adangal
  • Krishna and Chandra
  • Chippi Munai Marma
  • Choodi Marma
  • Kai Mannai (Strengthens bones of forearm)

"You are what you eat" is a saying that is taken seriously in Ayurveda. The Name 'Ayurveda originates from two Indian words: 'Ayur', meaning life, and 'Veda', meaning knowledge or science. The oldest known "Science of Life stresses our diet or 'ahara' impacts both, our physical and emotional wellbeing and hence, is the first and foremost pillar of science. There is a sloka (Writing of the ancient texts of Ayurveda) that says "food is medicine when consumed properly" and that improper diet produces toxins or 'ama' in the body which is the root cause of diseases and ill health. From the curative perspective, while diet alone may not be the cure of all diseases, its proper intake can keep ailments away and under control.

  • Airport (Cochin) Transfers to and from the Resort
  • Accommodation in Akund Deluxe villa on Double occupancy
  • Breakfasts, Lunch and Dinner at IDA Restaurant for two guests
  • (as per diet plan made by the doctors after consultation)
  • Daily Consultation with our Ayurveda Doctor
  • Daily 90 minutes Ayurveda Treatments as per Doctor’s advice.
  • Daily 45 to 60 minutes therapeutic Marma treatment / Pranic healing /Kalari treatments
  • Daily Yoga / Meditation Session in the morning & evening as per the Doctor’s advice
  • Additional treatments as per Doctors advice
  • Daily Carnoustie detox tea, herbal supplements’, herbal drinks and Ayurveda medicines as recommended by the Doctor
  • One Alappuzha
  • Tea & snacks every evening at IDA restaurant
  • Free Wi-Fi

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