Naturopathy is the system of life where the diseases arise when the vitality of the body deteriorates. All the treatments in Naturopathy is based on 5 principles called Panchamahabhuthas - earth, water, light, air and space. Using these principles, the vitality is regained. Regulation of the lifestyle is the key to health according to Naturopathy.
Naturopathy is the system of medicine based on the holistic approach on health by treating the root cause of disease. It is based on the belief that the body heals itself. The body will repair itself and recover from the illness. According to the system the root cause of the diseases are lower vitality & accumulation of toxin matters. The system tells to eliminate the accumulated foreign matters and steps to increase the vital power.
It has the highest density among all the five elements and manifest itself in all body mass. Thus the muscles, bones, skin, teeth etc represents earth element in the body. An excess of earth in our body causes obesity in other hand its deficiency causes emaciation.
It has the highest density among all the five elements and manifest itself in all body mass. Thus the muscles, bones, skin, teeth etc represents earth element in the body. An excess of earth in our body causes obesity in other hand its deficiency causes emaciation.
Fire provides the energy required for all activities in our body. It controls our body temperature as well as metabolic rate. It is related to the digestive system in our body.
Air controls all voluntary as well as involuntary body movements. It is related to our respiratory system. It is responsible for the transport of Pranavayu ie respiratory air.
In the human body it manifests itself in the form of various cavities and pores.It is the most subtle of all the five elements.
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